Yellow Pages Opt-Out: 6 less phonebooks to recycle

The Great Yellow Pages Opt-Out (

Every year, they show up in droves. Piles of them, looking withered from the sun, the rain and the snow. They lay scattered, useless and limp, left to fend for themselves. No one wants them. They are helpless. They are phone books.


How much do the people of Seattle not want these chunks of advertising and (we hear) phone numbers? So much that last fall, the City passed two ordinances, spearheaded by Councilmember Mike "The Hot One" O'Brien, which, according to a press release we received today, mandated that "the phone book industry honor residents’ choice regarding what is delivered to their home."

Beginning tomorrow, the City is offering residents and businesses an online registry (we've been assured that it is both free and simple, so tell your Nana not to worry) to opt out of the phone book delivery.
The cost of not opting out? According to the City, two million phone books are recycled in every year-- at a cost of about $350,000 to Seattle Public Utilities ratepayers